Into the Blue - Family-friendly Snorkelling and Diving in Aotearoa

Into the Blue - Family-friendly Snorkelling and Diving in Aotearoa

New Zealand boasts more than 1500km of coastline and around 600 islands, hosting everything from subtropical islands to cold, dramatic fiords. Discover some of the top family-friendly places to get in the water this summer in my latest article for Forest and Bird Magazine.

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Summer Is Here - 11 Safety Tips for Swimming in Open Water.

Summer Is Here - 11 Safety Tips for Swimming in Open Water.

“Nothing beats the feeling of swimming in open waters and that post-swim high you get from time spent in nature’s wild spaces.

It is life-affirming and one of the best ways to expand your swimming horizons. But how do you stay safe in the water?”

As we head into summer here in New Zealand, check out my top swimming safety tips in my latest article for Zoggs - 11 Safety Tips for Swimming in Open Water.

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The Ultimate Guide to Diving in the Canary Islands

The Ultimate Guide to Diving in the Canary Islands

“The rugged Canary Islands are one of the most popular dive destinations in Spain, offering diving at UNESCO Biosphere Reserves and marine reserves teeming with life.

There are shallow reefs just off the beaches, deep walls, dramatic lava landscapes, wrecks, and the underwater equivalent of the Giant’s Causeway to explore.

But which is the best island for you? Find out more in my latest article for Scuba Travel - The Ultimate Guide to Diving in the Canary Islands.

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Hello Paradise - Where to go Diving in the Maldives.

Hello Paradise - Where to go Diving in the Maldives.

“The atolls of the Maldives host some of the best-loved dive sites and most idyllic landscapes in the world.

This jewel in the crown of Indian Ocean diving is famous for its manta rays and whale sharks, plus rich coral reefs full of vibrant life.

Whether you are a beginner or experienced diver, the Maldives has plenty to offer, but it can be confusing knowing which atolls to visit and when to go.”

Get inspired for your next trip and find the right atolls for you in my latest article for Aggressor Adventures - Where to go diving in the Maldives.

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Why Whales Matter in the Fight to Save our Oceans

Why Whales Matter in the Fight to Save our Oceans

I really enjoy creating infographics and this is one of my favourites. It involved a lot of research beforehand to ensure it was scientifically accurate, easy to understand, and valuable to the target audience.

I worked with an awesome designer and this infographic was pitched to, and featured in, over 10 online media partners.

Check out this infographic here.

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Top 12 Dive Destinations in Oceania – Part 1

Top 12 Dive Destinations in Oceania – Part 1

“Encompassing over 8 million square kilometers of clear blue waters, Oceania hosts some of the world’s most sought-after dive destinations.

There are remote, untouched reefs and wreck diving meccas, countless forest-draped islands, and volcanic landscapes with rich black sands full of critters.

With abundant marine megafauna as well, including mantas, whales, dolphins, seals, sharks, and tens of thousands of sea turtles, Oceania is a paradise for every diver.”

Get part I of my round-up of 12 great places to go diving in Oceania, featured in Scubaverse, here.

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13 Ways to Become a More Sustainable Traveler

13 Ways to Become a More Sustainable Traveler

“Travel is one of the best things you can do to truly appreciate life. It broadens your mind, immerses you in the wonders of the world, and offers experiences that enrich the rest of your days. But how do you ensure you travel sustainably?

It can seem daunting, but it is easy to make sustainable travel choices that minimize your impact on the environment.”

Find out more in my latest article for Seven Seas Media.

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