10 conseils pour plonger en toute sécurité avec les requins

“Plonger avec des requins reste une activité populaire et très recherchée vers certaines destinations de plongée populaires du globe. Bien que le risque d’être blessé par un requin en plongée soit incroyablement faible, il existe des précautions que les plongeurs et les personnes nageant en présence de requins peuvent prendre pour augmenter leur sécurité et profiter de leur plongée avec des requins.”

En vedette sur Savoir Plonger: 10 conseils pour plonger en toute sécurité avec les requins

Ice Diving – It’s Worth Getting Cold For!

“Ice diving is one of the most adventurous types of diving out there and is a great way to try something completely different. It is challenging, takes extra preparation, and is different from most recreational dive types.

Ice diving offers the opportunity to dive in winter when other types of diving may not possible and experience unique underwater environments and marine life few people ever get to see.

There is nothing quite like the peace of being under the ice, surrounded by bright blue water and ice formations. It is an experience not to be missed and is truly rewarding.”

Read the full article: Ice Diving – It’s Worth Getting Cold For

5 Great Places to Dive with Sea Turtles

“Sea turtles are amazing creatures, found around the world in tropical and subtropical waters. They play a vital role in marine ecosystem health and have been in the ocean for more than 100 million years.They are an understandably popular dive and photography choice and you can swim with them at a variety of top liveaboard diving destinations.”

Read my latest article: 5 Great Places to Dive with Sea Turtles

Escape the Diving Crowds: 6 Small Liveaboards

There is something special about joining a small liveaboard for a more intimate dive safari. You can enjoy a more personalised service, smaller dive groups, and the chance to book the whole boat easily or get to know your fellow travellers better. There is often more flexibility in dive schedules and a slower-pace of life to enjoy as you sail from island to island.Here are my top choices of small liveaboards around the world.

Escape the Diving Crowds: 6 Small Liveaboards for Intimate Scuba Safaris


Top 5 Night Dives

“Night diving is a special treat – you enter a secret world and the beam of your torch reveals strange and wonderful behaviour. The reef is a very different place than during the day – invertebrates more active, sharks predate on sleeping reef fish, morays leave their crevices to hunt. Here is a round-up of some of my favourite night dives.”

Read my latest article for DIVE Magazine UK: Top 5 Night Dives  

4 Great Liveaboard Destinations for Yoga Lovers

“Yoga is great for health and wellbeing, and has some impressive benefits for scuba divers. All of which help you lower your air consumption, enjoy longer dives, reduce injury from carrying heavy dive gear, and maintain better buoyancy. It is the perfect exercise to combine with scuba diving, for true relaxation on holiday and at home.”

Find out more in my latest article for Sportdiver: 4 Great Liveaboard Destinations for Yoga Lovers

5 Things You Should Know to Select the Right Liveaboard

Choosing to dive from a liveaboard opens up a whole new world of scuba adventures; from the tropics to the poles, and everywhere in-between.

It offers the chance to explore remote destinations and uncrowded dive sites, plus enjoy the benefits of a personalized service and pack in more dives per day. When you’re not diving, you can kick back and relax on sun decks, go hiking local paradise islands, or sail to far-flung communities.

With an almost endless list of liveaboard diving safaris on offer, it can be difficult to know where to start to find a liveaboard that meet your needs. By taking a some key considerations into account, you can make it much easier to find your perfect liveaboard.”

Read my full article on Dive News Wire: 5 Things You Should Know to Select the Right Liveaboard

Plongée et mal de dos, comment faire?

“Le mal de dos est fréquent de nos jours. Avec notre mode de vie sédentaire, on le nomme même “le mal du siècle”. Les plongeurs ne sont pas épargnés mais il en faut plus pour les dissuader de réduire leur temps dans l’eau.

Il est possible de bien gérer les maux de dos chroniques lors des voyages notamment, et de prendre des mesures efficaces pour minimiser les douleurs et le risque de récidive…Voici nos cinq meilleurs conseils pour les plongeurs souffrant de mal de dos chronique.”

En vedette sur zesea.com: Plongée et mal de dos, comment faire?

Top Tauchsafaris für Tauchbeginner

“Tauchen zu lernen ist wahnsinnig aufregend und fast jeder Taucher erinnert sich noch an seine ersten Atemzüge unter Wasser sowie an den allerersten Tauchplatz. Es gibt unzählige, großartige Tauchurlaubsziele für frisch zertifizierte Taucher – Tauchsafaris eignen sich hervorragend, um mehr Erfahrung zu sammeln und seine Technik unter Wasser zu verfeinern und dies auch noch an weltklasse Tauchplätzen.”

Lesen Sie meinen neuesten Artikel, um mehr zu erfahren: Die zehn besten Tauchsafari-Ziele für Anfänger