Top Liveaboards for New Divers

Featured on Scubadivermag:Liveaboards aren't just for experienced divers; there are some great liveaboards for new divers to enjoy whilst gaining confidence in their new dive skills.

Top Organisations Accepting Shark Conservation Volunteers

Featured in EZDive magazine:EZDive is a beautiful print magazine that is distributed to 18 countries and is very popular in the Chinese and Asia Pacific regions. It has been a privilege to work with the team at EZDive and spread the word about shark conservation far and wide.

Top Ways To Help Save Sharks

Featured on ninth ADEX expo occurred this month and was focussed on shark conservation – the first marine creature ADEX was dedicated to back in 2010. With the trade in shark products estimated to have been worth $540 million (USD) to $1.2 billion (USD) as of 2007, and this trade continuing today, the focus on shark conservation couldn’t have come at a better time.

5 Ways To Overcome Dive Anxiety

Featured on Scuba News:Scuba diving is great fun, but divers can experience dive anxiety at times. I used to suffer from chronic dive anxiety and trained as a scuba instructor to overcome it. I also used the techniques in this article to successfully overcome my fear.Here are my tips for overcoming anxiety as a scuba diver.

Five Shark Species You Don't Know

Featured on is nothing I enjoy more than writing about sharks! Creating this article for Sportdiver about five lesser-known, and incredible, shark species was definitely a writing highlight for me. Check it out and you can meet my favourite species of shark; pyjama sharks.

It Was ALWAYS Safe To Go In The Water

I was interviewed recently by BBC Wildlife Magazine , alongside Steve Backshall and Bite Back, for a feature on shark conservation. I had a great time discussing why we still fear sharks, the role of the media, and how to reduce fear effectively in adults and chidren with interactive conservation events. You can enjoy the full article here:

It Was Always Safe To Go In The Water

 Discover Wildlife

Top Underwater Destinations To Explore

Featured on Travel Gumbo:The global ocean covers a staggering 70.8 per cent of Earth’s surface and yet its depths still remain largely a mystery. One thing we can be certain of though is the benefit of spending time in or around water on our wellbeing. It is known to improve our physical and mental health. With that in mind, here are my top underwater destinations to explore: is a great article for non-divers to learn a little bit more about the wonders of the ocean and why I fell in love with being underwater!

Diving Myanmar

Featured on you know Myanmar has fantastic peaceful dive sites to explore? There are over 50 dive sites to choose from so far, with more being discovered all the time. Highlights include exploring the 800 or so islands that make up the Mergui archipelago and the remote (challenging!) ocean dives at Burma Banks.

Top Cold Water Liveaboards

Featured in people think about diving they tend to imagine warm water, endless sunshine, palm trees and tropical destinations. It isn’t all about the tropics though. There are some fantastic cold water diving liveaboards for adventurous travelers to experience.